From Benjamin Franklin to Philip Schuyler, 11 March 1776
To Philip Schuyler
ALS: New York Public Library
Philada. March 11. 1776
The Congress have appointed three Commissioners to go to Canada, of which Number I have the Honour to be one. We purpose setting out some day this Week.2 I take the Liberty of mentioning this, as possibly a little previous Notice may enable you more easily to make any Preparation you shall judge necessary to facilitate and expedite our Journey, which I am sure you will be kindly dispos’d to do for us. A Friend with us will make our Company Four, besides our Servants. We shall either come in Carriages directly to Albany, or by Water, if the River is open, from N York.3 Hoping soon for the Pleasure of seeing you I now only add, that I am, with the sincerest Esteem and Respect, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant
B Franklin
P.S. The Bearer M. Le Jeunesse has been considered by the Congress as a Friend to the American Cause, and he is recommended to your Protection in his Return to Canada.4
Honourable General Skuyler
Endorsed: Philadelphia March 11th: 1776 From Dr. Benj: Franklin
2. They were delayed by the debate over their instructions, for which see the headnote that follows. On the 26th BF bought a new saddle and left Philadelphia: entries of that date in his Memorandum Book described above, VII, 167–8. Congress, however, provided a carriage as far as New York: JCC, IV, 271.
3. The friend was Father Carroll, for whom see the headnote just cited. The company turned out to be five. On March 16 Congress commissioned Baron de Woedtke a brigadier general and ordered him to go with the party from New York; see the notes on Gates to BF above, Feb. 23, 1776, and on BF to Alexander below, March 27. The river was in fact open, and BF asked for a sloop: ibid.
4. See the headnote above on the report to Congress from the committee of secret correspondence, Feb. 14.