Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Daniel Roberdeau, 6 March 1776

To Daniel Roberdeau9

ALS: University of Indiana Library

Wednesday March 6. 76

Dear Sir

The Congress desire a Return to be made to them of the Powder the Committee of Safety have lent them, that it may be known how much is due. I am very respectfully Dear Sir Your most obedient humble Servant

B Franklin

A Copy of the Order for Replacing the Arms was given 2 Days since by Mr. Thomson to the Commissary Mr. Towers.1

Col. Roberdeau

Addressed: Col. Roberdeau / at the / Committee of Safety / Lodge

Endorsed: Doctr. Franklin 6th Mar: 1776

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9A prominent Philadelphia merchant who has often appeared before; see for example above, XVII, 81–90, 237–9. He served with BF on the Pa. committee of safety, and the following July was promoted to brigadier general of Pa. militia. DAB.

1BF is writing, we assume, for the secret committee, which had been ordered by Congress in February to return to the Pa. committee of safety two tons of the powder that the latter had furnished and the arms that had been borrowed; a further order to return powder was issued on the day of BF’s note. JCC, IV, 124, 168, 187. Charles Thomson was secretary of Congress and Robert Towers commissary of the committee of safety, which on March 8 ordered him to apply for the arms and powder. Pa. Col. Recs., X, 508, 511.

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