Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Sr., 1 March 1776

From Jonathan Williams, Sr.

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Worcester march 1st. 1776

Honored Sir

Agreeable to your desire I now inclose your Acct. Drawn in the best manor I now Cane tho’ not So partecular as I Could wish as Some of my Old books and papers were Consumed Last may in my werehouses3 but I belive it is nearly right. I received an acct. of yours from England drawn by Jonathan in which was Some omitions the £50. paid your niece on her marage with the many repairs of your House and £18.8s. 5d. Difficience in Reiley rent Which you Order’d me to Charge Your Acct. with &c.4 My Wife Joines in duty to you and Love to your Children. I am Your Friend and Nephew

Jona Williams

PS Please to Let Us know if you hear from Our Son.

Addressed: To / The Honble. Benjamin Franklin Esqr / In / Philadelphia / per Post

Franked: Free William Ellery5

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3See his letter to BF above, June 19.

4For JW’s account and the one that his father enclosed with this letter see above, X, 354–61. The former actually included the wedding present to Jane Mecom’s daughter Jane, and the costs of repairing the house on Unity Street and the sum left unpaid by its tenant, James Reilly.

5A Newport merchant and lawyer, who two months later became one of the Rhode Island delegates to Congress. DAB. We have no idea why a letter from Worcester to Philadelphia should have passed through his hands, or in what capacity he franked it.

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