Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Catharine Greene, [13 November 1775]

From Catharine Greene

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Westerly monday noon [November 13, 17754]

My Dear Friend

I have Some days Past Plast [Placed] you at home happy with your Dear Children and Sister. I am not able to find Words to tell you how Pleasd I am to have our Boy with you5 I wish he may Deserve Such Goodness God Will Reward you. Thank you for your Kind letter from New haven I Shall write you as Soon as I get home am Just going.6 I write to Ray but the letter is got So soild would write Another if I was not in Such hast you will excus it. The family here all Desire there love and would been Glad it had been Convenient for you to Calld upon them. I am with true affection your Friend

Caty Greene

Did you travill as fast after you got by Springfield? how does it go on?

Addressed: To / Doctr. Franklin / Philadelphia

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4See the following letter, which was sent with this one.

5Young Ray Greene, at ten, had left home with Jane Mecom and BF to attend the Academy of Philadelphia; see ibid., Mecom to Greene below, Nov. 24, and above, V, 502 n.

6The Greenes were visiting Caty’s sister and brother-in-law, Anna and Samuel Ward, at the Ward farm in Westerly.

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