To Benjamin Franklin from Catharine Greene, [13 November 1775]
From Catharine Greene
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Westerly monday noon [November 13, 17754]
My Dear Friend
I have Some days Past Plast [Placed] you at home happy with your Dear Children and Sister. I am not able to find Words to tell you how Pleasd I am to have our Boy with you5 I wish he may Deserve Such Goodness God Will Reward you. Thank you for your Kind letter from New haven I Shall write you as Soon as I get home am Just going.6 I write to Ray but the letter is got So soild would write Another if I was not in Such hast you will excus it. The family here all Desire there love and would been Glad it had been Convenient for you to Calld upon them. I am with true affection your Friend
Caty Greene
Did you travill as fast after you got by Springfield? how does it go on?
Addressed: To / Doctr. Franklin / Philadelphia
4. See the following letter, which was sent with this one.
5. Young Ray Greene, at ten, had left home with Jane Mecom and BF to attend the Academy of Philadelphia; see ibid., Mecom to Greene below, Nov. 24, and above, V, 502 n.
6. The Greenes were visiting Caty’s sister and brother-in-law, Anna and Samuel Ward, at the Ward farm in Westerly.