To Benjamin Franklin from William Govett, [between 9 November 1775 and 25]
From William Govett2
ALS: American Philosophical Society
[Between November 9 and 25, 17753]
The Committee of Safety meet tomorrow Morning at 9 oClock And attend the Committee of Assembly at 10. On Wednesday Morning 9 oClock the Board meet and go into the Consideration of the appointment of a Commodore, at which times the Members are Requested to meet Punctually.
Wm. Govett Secry
To Benja. Franklin Esqr.
2. See the note on the committee’s advertisement above, July 28.
3. The dates derive from the mention of a commodore. This matter was referred to the committee on Oct. 20; see the note on its report to the Assembly above, Sept. 29. Govett, we assume, knew that BF was out of town in late October on his visit to Washington’s camp, and would not have written him. The dates we assign are the only ones thereafter, until a commodore was appointed in January, when BF was in Philadelphia and the committee and the Assembly were both in session.