To Benjamin Franklin from William Franklin, 6 September 1775
From William Franklin
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Perth-Amboy Septr. 6, 1775 Wedy. Morng.
Honoured Father,
I hope this will find you safe at Home, and that you met with no Accident on your Journey.
Yesterday Evening Thomas found the Enclosed Letter for you in the Bar of one of the Taverns in this Town.
Enclosed is a Copy of the Exposition of the Resolution of the House of Commons which you requested. I also send you the Minutes of the two last Sessions of the New-Jersey Assembly, in which you will see what I have said to them respecting the present unnatural Dispute between G.B. and her Colonies, and also what passed between us respecting my Letter to Lord Dartmouth.4
The Bearer waiting impatiently I have but just Time to add that Betsy joins me in Duty to you and Love to Mr. and Mrs. Bache, Master William, and the Children. I am ever Your dutiful and affectionate Son
Wm: Franklin
Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / Philadelphia
Endorsed: W F Sept. 6.
4. Thomas was presumably WF’s servant or slave; about the letter we dare not conjecture. The exposition was of North’s conciliatory resolution (above, XXI, 592) in a lengthy circular letter from Dartmouth; see the note on Strahan to BF above, July 5. WF embodied the letter, with minor changes, in the opening of his speech to the Assembly when it convened on May 16: Minutes of the Provincial Congress and the Council of Safety of the State of New Jersey (Trenton, 1879), pp. 119–23. On the same day an extract of WF’s letter to Dartmouth of Feb. 1, 1775, was laid before the House, which two days later asked the Governor whether it was genuine. He denied that it was, and arraigned the Assembly for insulting him. Ibid., pp. 130–1, 133–4, 144–7. In fact, however, the extract was completely accurate; see 1 N.J. Arch., X, 537.