Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Humphry Marshall, 13 March 1775

To Humphry Marshall

AL:7 Yale University Library

London, Mar. 13. 1775.


I duly receiv’d your Favour of Novr. the 26th, but having mislaid it, I postpon’d answering it till I should find it, not recollecting perfectly what were the Books you wrote for. I now send the Nautical Almanack for the current Year;8 that for 1776 is not yet publish’d. The Philosophical Transactions, if you mean a compleat Set, will cost near £30. Therefore not knowing fully your Mind, I have not bought them.

The Controversy will soon end in our Favour, notwithstanding the present Measures, if America is steady in the Non Consumption Agreement. All the Hopes and Dependance of the Ministry, are in Dividing us, by working upon our Fears and Hopes. If we are faithful to each other, our Adversaries are ruin’d. I am, with much Esteem Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant

H. Marshall Esqr

Addressed: To / Mr Humphry Marshall / Chester County

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7The MS, to judge by all the indications, is not a draft but the letter sent. If it went by packet, BF perhaps left it unsigned, like the letter that follows, to prevent prying eyes from identifying him. Marshall needed no signature to know the writer.

8The Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1775. Published by Order of the Commissioners of Longitude (London, 1775).

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