Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Andrew Robeson, 4 March 1775

From Andrew Robeson1

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Philadelphia March 4th: 1775


An Opportunity offering, and the Committee not to be met with I take the Liberty of transmitting you the Letter and of signing myself your most obedient humble Servant

Andrew Robeson Secy:

Doctor B: Franklin

Addressed: For / Doctor Benjamin Franklin / Craven Street / London

Endorsed: Lib. Company  Mar. 4. 1775

1A young Philadelphia lawyer of that name is mentioned in PMHB, LXXIV (1950), 383 n, but we have found nothing to connect him with the Library Company. The letter for which this was a covering note is printed above under Dec. 16. We believe, as explained there, that it was sent at that time, and that Robeson later copied and redated it; we have transferred the March date from the copy to his note.

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