From Benjamin Franklin to a Committee of the Library Company of Philadelphia, 5 February 1775
To a Committee of the Library Company of Philadelphia
Minutebook copy: Library Company of Philadelphia
London Feby: 5th: 1775
I received your Favour of Decr: 16. with the Bills Barclay & Mitchell on Harvey & Co: for sixty Pounds which is carried to your Credit. I am glad my little Services have been acceptable and every future Opportunity of continuing them will be a Pleasure to, Gentlemen, Your and the Company’s assured Friend, and most obedient Servant
B Franklin
Messrs: Clarkson Hewes & Jones3
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
3. For Matthew Clarkson, Josiah Hewes, and Robert Strettell Jones see above, respectively, X, 225 n; XIX, 152 n; XVIII, 18 n.