Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from David Barclay, 2 [January] 1775

From David Barclay

AL: Library of Congress

Cheapside, [January] 2d. [1775]

D. Barclay presents his Respects and desires Dr. Franklin will peruse the inclosed5 and DB intends calling for it Tomorrow about 9 or 10 Clock.

Addressed: Dr: Franklin

Endorsed: Recd Jan 2. 75

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5Doubtless something to do with the meeting of merchants scheduled for Jan. 4, to consider a petition to Parliament; see Barclay to BF below, Jan. 12. At this time Barclay was too busy with the petition to bring BF any news of the peace negotiations: below, pp. 574–5.

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