To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Life, 19 December 1774
From Thomas Life
ALS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Basinghall Street 19th Decr 1774
Your Cause stands Second in Lord Chancellors Paper For hearing to morrow. And as I must attend it in preference to all other Business I cannot wait on You and the other Gentlemen9 till the cause is heard or the Court rises; It is therefore very uncertain whether I can be with You at 12 o’Clock but I will go to Waghorns the Moment the Cause is over or Lord Chancellor goes away which is generally a little after one o’Clock during the Sitting of Parliament.10 I am Sir Your most Obedient humble Servant
Thos. Life
9. The meeting of colonial agents to discuss presenting the petition from the Congress; see the preceding document. At some point Life definitely declined, for the same reason that Burke and Wentworth did, to have any part in the matter. BF to Thomson below, Feb. 5.
10. For the proceedings in Whately’s Chancery suit see Life’s notes above, Nov. 11 and 16.