From Benjamin Franklin to Richard Bache, 22 July 1774
To Richard Bache
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society
London, July 22. 1774
Dear Son,
I hear by Mr. Dillwyn6 that you were all well: But had no Line from you either by him or the Packet.
Capt. Falconer tells me the Casks of Types were put into his Cellar, he not knowing who they were for. You will get them there, and store them with the rest. I believe I wrote to this purpose before.7 I am very hearty, Thanks to God. My Love to Sally and the Children, from Your affectionate Father
B Franklin
Mr Bache
6. A Quaker who carried Joseph Smith’s letter to BF above, May 13.
7. He had, on Feb. 17. RB replied on May 5; his letter went, or was intended to go, by Capt. All, who sailed on the 11th and was in London by June 21. Pa. Gaz., May 11; Lloyd’s Evening Post, June 20–22, 1774. Why BF had not received the letter by July 22 is a mystery, and so is Falconer’s report about the type. The Captain’s arrival in Philadelphia was announced in the Pa. Gaz. of May 4, and the next day RB wrote that he had received the consignment. Falconer knew to whom it was sent, in other words, and delivered it; then what did he put in his cellar?