From Benjamin Franklin to David Williams, 9 May 1774
To David Williams3
ALS:4 American Philosophical Society
Monday Eveng. May 9. –74
Dear Sir
I had a full Purpose of coming out to you this Day, but unforeseen Hindrances have occurr’d: I should then have thank’d you and good Mrs. Williams in person, in behalf of Mrs. Hewson and Mrs. Stevenson, for your exceeding kind and friendly Offer, of which they have the most grateful Sense. Their Situation does not permit them at present to leave home; but they will, when they can, wait upon you with their thankful Acknowledgements.5 Make my Compliments acceptable to Mrs. Williams, and believe me, with sincere Esteem, and Affection; Dear Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant
B Franklin
Revd Mr Williams
Addressed: To / The Revd. Mr Williams / Lawrence Street / Chelsea / Pryer6
3. See the headnote on BF’s letter to him above, Feb. 21.
4. A moment in the letter’s history is recorded on it: “Caerphilly. Wales. [Torn] 6th 1878 / Presented to Mr. Franklin W. Smith of Boston U.S.A. as a souvenir of his visit to Caerphilly Castle on this day Joseph Evans.”
5. William Hewson had been dead for eight days (see BF to DF above, May 5), and BF was acting as buffer for the family.
6. See the note on BF to Ellis above, Jan. 12.