To Benjamin Franklin from the Georgia Commons House of Assembly, 13 March 1774
From the Georgia Commons House of Assembly
LS: American Philosophical Society
Savannah in Georgia 13th. March 1774
I have the Honor to communicate to you the high Opinion the Representatives of the People entertain of your Conduct as their Agent.1 In consequence whereof they have directed me to transmit you their Thanks. I do therefore in the Name and by Order of the Commons House of Assembly of Georgia give you their Thanks for the just discharge of the important Trust reposed in you, and do retain the most greateful sense of your repeated Offers and Endeavours to serve the Province. I have the Honor to be respectfully Sir Your Most Obedient Servant
Willm. Young Speaker2
Benjamin Franklin Esqr. Agent for the Province of Georgia.
Addressed: Benjamin Franklin Esqr. / Georgia Coffee House / London
Endorsed: Province of Georgia Speaker’s Letter of Thanks.
March 13. 1774 Recd April 29. Answer’d May 2.3
1. See the long letter from the Commons House committee of correspondence below, March 14.
2. Young had held the office since 1772; see above, XVII, 80 n.
3. BF’s letter has disappeared. When he wrote he was presumably terminating his connection with the province and turning over the agency to Grey Elliott; see the résumé of his account below, May 2.