From Benjamin Franklin to Richard Nicholls Colden, 18 February 1774
To Richard Nicholls Colden
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society
London, Feb. 18. 1774
Dear Sir,
I received yours of Dec. 2. and Jany. 5. inclosing the following Bills,4 viz.
Taylor on Goddard | £37 | 10s. | 0d. |
Stute on Bogle, Somerville & Co. | 31 | 4s. | 2½d. |
Mitchell on Todd | 50 | 4s. | 2d. |
118 | 18s. | 4½d. |
For which have given Credit to the General Post-Office.
I beg the Accounts may be sent punctually by the April Packet, that I may settle them here before I leave England, which is now the more necessary as I am no longer in the Office.5 With my best Respects to your good Father, whose Health I hope is re-establish’d,6 I am, Dear Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant
B F.
Richd Nicholls Colden Esqr
4. The first bill was undoubtedly enclosed in Colden’s missing letter of Dec. 2; the others were in the letter above of Jan. 5.
5. The postal accounts had long been, and long continued to be, subject to problems and details that frustrated all concerned. See above, XX, 152–3, 220, 294, and below, Todd to BF, March 17, and BF’s reply, March 18, 1775.
6. It was not. Alexander Colden was desperately ill the following summer, and died before the year was out. See the notes on the preceding document.