Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Robert Hare, 28 October 1773

From Robert Hare7

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Philadelphia Octr 28th: 1773.


I beg you to accept my warmest thanks for the fervor of the recommendations you favor’d me with. They are not only likely to promote my views of business but have introduc’d me into a very agreeable society and been principally instrumental in procuring the happiness I enjoy here.

I have delay’d these acknowledgements under hopes that your arrival here would give me an opportunity of making them personally and it greatly dissapoints me that I must not hope for that pleasure this year. I am Sir very respectfully Your oblig’d and obedient Servant

Rt Hare.

Addressed: Dr Benjan: Franklin / Craven Street / London.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7The young Londoner whom BF had recommended to Richard Bache, Coombe, Evans, and Galloway the previous spring; see his letters above, April 6.

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