From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Cushing, 1 September 1773
To Thomas Cushing
Extract4 reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., The Works of Benjamin Franklin … (10 vols., Boston, 1836–40), VIII, 83 n.
[September 1, 1773]
In my last I informed you, that the address to the King, and the letter from the General Court to Lord Dartmouth, are both transmitted to his Lordship. Enclosed are copies of his answers to Mr. Bollan and myself. There are some expressions in the close of his Lordship’s letter to me, that have a favorable appearance, and therefore I take this first opportunity of communicating it.5
4. The letter seems to be complete, as Sparks implies, except for the opening and closing salutations. The date in Sparks is confirmed by BF’s reference in his next letter, Sept. 12.
5. BF’s “last” to Cushing was on Aug. 24. Dartmouth’s reply to Bollan, or possibly to BF and Bollan together, is missing; his reply to BF is above, Aug. 25. Cushing’s letter of Dec. 10 acknowledged receipt of the Earl’s answers.