Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to François Rozier, 22 June 1773

To François Rozier1

ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society

London, June 22. 1773


I am much oblig’d by your very polite Letter and Present of your valuable Collection. Please to accept my hearty Thanks. I had before purchased of M. Magalhaens all the Numbers of small Form.2 I think it must prove a useful Work to Science in general, and I wish it Success. When any thing occurs to me that may be suitable for it I shall not fail to communicate it in the manner you desire. With much Respect, I am, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant

B F.

Monsr Rozier

1BF is replying to the circular letter from Rozier above, Jan. 24, which explains the contents of this note.

2I.e., 12mo; for a detailed description of the eighteen issues published in 1771–2 see Douglas McKie, “The ‘Observations’ of the Abbé François Rozier …,” Annals of Science …, XIII (1957), [73-]89. BF seems to have deferred payment until the following August, when he entered £3 2s. “for Abbé Rossier’s Collection”: Jour., p. 50.

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