From Benjamin Franklin to Sarah Bache, 6 April 1773
To Sarah Franklin Bache
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress
London, April 6. 1773
Dear Sally,
I received your pleasing Letter of Jan. 5. I am glad you have undertaken the Care of the Housekeeping, as it will be an Ease to your Mother, especially if you can manage to her Approbation; that may perhaps be at first a Difficulty. It will be of Use to you if you get a Habit of keeping exact Accounts; and it will be some Satisfaction to me to see them.7 Remember, for your Encouragement in good Œconomy, that whatever a Child saves of its Parents Money, will be its own another Day. Study Poor Richard a little, and you may find some Benefit from his Instructions. I long to be with you all, and to see your Son. I pray God to bless him and you: being ever Your affectionate Father
B Franklin
Mrs. Stevenson and Daughter send their Love to you. The latter is near lying-in again.8 Her Boy, my Godson, is a very fine Child, and begins to talk.
per Packet
7. For years DF had been trying and failing to keep accurate accounts: above, VII, 167–8; X, 100–1; XII, 193–4; XVIII, 90–2. She proved to be even more obdurate than BF had supposed about surrendering the management of the household; see Sally’s letter below, Oct. 30.
8. For Polly Hewson’s second son see BF to DF below, July 15.