From Benjamin Franklin to Jonathan Williams, Sr., 3 April 1773
To Jonathan Williams, Sr.
ALS: Massachusetts Historical Society
London, April 3. 1773.
Dear Cousin,
I wrote to you on the 9th. of March. I have not since heard from Boston. This is just to let you know I am well, and to cover a Newspaper containing one of my Scribblings, which please to give to my Sister with my Love:5 I have not now time to write to her. Love to Cousin Grace and your Children. I am ever, Your affectionate Uncle
B Franklin
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
5. Undoubtedly the essay printed above, March 16, “On Claims to the Soil of America.” Jane Mecom may or may not have been interested in the subject. But five years earlier she had asked him for any contributions of his to the newspapers (above, XV, 204); and he was not backward about honoring such a request.