From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 15 March 1773
To Deborah Franklin
ALS: American Philosophical Society; letterbook draft: Library of Congress
London, March 15. 73.
My dear Child,
I wrote to you by Capt. All, and by the last Packet. By Capt. All I sent a Box containing sundry Parcels for my Friends. Among the rest were your Neighbour Miss Haddocks Silk, and Gowns for you and Sally.4 I hope they will get safe to hand. I continue well, and hope now soon to have the Pleasure of seeing you and Home. My Love to all. I am ever, Your affectionate Husband
B Franklin
Addressed: To / Mrs Franklin / Philadelphia / per Capt. Sutton.
4. The letter by All was that above of Feb. 14, when BF, as his habit was, disposed of a large amount of correspondence on one day. Most of it, at least, went by Isaac All in the Richard Penn; see the two letters following this one. The ship had a slow passage; the Pa. Gaz. reported her arrival on April 21. BF’s letter “by the last Packet” was presumably a missing one sent in the Mercury, which had sailed a few days before: Public Advertiser, March 13.