Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Cushing, 4 November 1772

To Thomas Cushing

ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress; AL (copy): Public Record Office

London, Nov. 4. 1772


Lord Dartmouth our new American Minister came to Town last Week, and held his first Levee on Wednesday, when I paid my Respects, acquainting him at the same time that I should in a few Days wait upon him on Business from Boston, which I have accordingly since done and have put your Petition to the King into his Hands, that being the regular Course.8 His Lordship receiv’d me very obligingly, and made no Objection to my acting as Agent without an Appointment assented to by the Governor, as his Predecessor had done; so that I hope Business is getting into better Train.9 I shall use my best Endeavours in supporting the Petition, and write to you again and more fully by the next Ship to Boston.1 In the mean time I remain with great Respect, Sir, Your most obedient and most humble Servant

B Franklin

Mr Cushing

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8For the petition about the Governor’s salary see Cushing’s letter above, July 15, and BF’s reply, Sept. 3, as well as BF’s letter below of Dec. 2.

9For Hillsborough’s objection to BF’s status see above, XVIII, 9–16, 153 n, 242 n, and the Cushing letter just cited. Dartmouth, unlike his predecessor, worked for some time with BF as if he were a duly constituted agent; see subsequent volumes. The fact that the legal question remained unresolved does not seem to have disturbed BF, but it did Bollan; see the latter’s comments to the Massachusetts Council in Mass. Arch., XXII, 586, and in 6 Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., IX, 316–17.

1See his letter below, Dec. 2.

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