From Benjamin Franklin to Alexander Colden, 3 November 1772
To Alexander Colden
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress
London, Nov. 3. 1772
Dear Sir,
Inclos’d I return to you Mackie’s Bill on Molleson for £294. 5s. 2d. with a Protest; the same being refus’d Payment for want of Effects.7
The Packet of last Month is not yet arriv’d. I hope she will bring the Accounts so long expected.8 I am, Dear Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant
B Franklin
Mr Alexr. Colden.
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
7. See above, BF to Colden, Oct. 7; Mary Hewson to BF, Oct. 22. BF is saying that Mackie had exhausted his credit with Molleson.
8. If the accounts did not come by that packet, BF expected Colden to be dismissed: to Foxcroft above, Oct. 7.