Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to John Tyler, 22 August 1772

To John Tyler2

ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society

London, Aug. 22. 1772

Loving Kinsman

I received yours of May 16. and am glad to hear you are well. I hope your Nailing Scheme may answer.3 I was lately in Birmingham, and saw your Friends there who are well. A Box has been committed to my Care for you, which I send herewith. I should have been glad of an Opportunity of rendring any Service or Pleasure to the young Man you recommended to me, wishing as I do Success to all new Manufactures in America. I am, Your Friend and Servant

B Franklin

Mr Tyler

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2A young relative of DF, who had emigrated from Birmingham to Philadelphia in 1771 with a letter of introduction from BF to DF. See above, XVIII, 208, and BF to DF, Jan. 28, 1772.

3It did not. At about this time Tyler, by his account, invested some £300 in an iron foundry with another man, who promptly ousted him, kept his money and tools, and eventually brought suit against him. Tyler to BF, June 6, 1787, APS.

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