From Benjamin Franklin to Cadwalader Evans, 22 August 1772
To Cadwalader Evans
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society
London, Augt. 22. 1772
Dear Friend,
I hope you received the Elastic Truss, and that it answered and gave Satisfaction.9 It gives me great Pleasure to understand by yours of Apr. 30 that the Assemblies have shown a Disposition to encourage the Produce of Silk.1 You can never overdo the Market here, and will soon be able to manufacture what you want for yourselves. Mr. Small speaks highly of our Country, and of your Civilities to him.2 I have long since sent over Accounts of the Sale of your Silk, and of the Money in my Hands, which is ready to be paid to the Managers Order.3 With great Esteem I am, Dear Friend, Yours most affectionately
B Franklin
Dr Evans
9. See above, Polly Hewson to BF, July 6, and his reply of the 8th. Evans had presumably asked for the truss in his missing letter of April 30.
1. In the previous September the managers of the silk filature had requested support from the Assembly, which in March had agreed to contribute £1,000 as soon as private subscribers had raised the same amount; this condition was subsequently met and the money paid. 8 Pa. Arch., VIII, 6684–6, 6846, 6886. In April the N.J. Assembly was expected to take similar action in that colony (Pa. Gaz., April 30, 1772); we assume that the Assembly did so, although no records of that session are in print.
2. Dr. Alexander Small had a brief stay in Philadelphia: DF to BF above, May 14. He must have packed a lot into it.
3. See BF to the managers of the silk filature above, before May 10.