Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Patrick Wilson, 3 August 1772

From Patrick Wilson1

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Monday Augt. 3d 1772

Dear Sir

I take my departure for Glasgow in a few Hours, having heard yesterday Evening of an inviting Opportunity of a Ship for the Forth which sails immediately.

Im sorry that Im so much hurried as not to be able to see You before I go. I shall take Care and deliver the Vollume of the American Transactions to the Questor of our Library.2 I beg the favour of being rememberd to Mr. Small;3 I ever am most faithfully and most respectfully Your’s

Pat. Wilson

Addressed: To / Doctor Franklin / at Mrs. Stevenson’s / Craven Street / Strand

1The son of Alexander Wilson, the astronomer and type-founder, for whom see above, XVIII, 67 n. Patrick (1743–1811) was obviously connected with the University at this time, and in 1784 he succeeded to his father’s chair of astronomy. W. Innes Addison, ed., The Matriculation Albums of the University of Glasgow from 1728 to 1858 (Glasgow, 1913), pp. 55, 66.

2BF was carrying out the request in William Smith’s letter above, May 16, to present the University of Glasgow with a copy of the first volume of the APS Trans.

3Presumably BF’s old friend Alexander Small, who returned to London at about this time from a trip to the Caribbean and America. See BF to Evans below, Aug. 22.

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