Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Mary Hewson, 8 July 1772

To Mary Hewson

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Birmingham, July 8. 72

Dear Polly

I arrived here yesterday in my Return from the North. This Morning I had the Pleasure of receiving yours of the 6th. I am sorry that my Engagements here will not permit to be in London on your Wedding Day, but I repeat my Wishes of Happiness to you on that Occasion, and pray that you may have many Returns of that Day each happier than its Predecessor, from a Reflection on the constant Felicity the Nuptial State has afforded you.

I must request Mr. Hewson to get the Machine sent by Osborne if possible.4 The Direction will be the same with that of the enclos’d Letter. [In the margin:] Upon second Thoughts I write no letter to Philadelphia from hence. The Direction is For Dr. Cadwalader Evans, Philadelphia.

I rejoice to hear of all your Welfares. My Love to all. I hope to be in Town on Sunday. I am, my dear Friend, Yours most affectionately

B Franklin

Endorsed: July 8—72

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4The machine, the “instrument” in the preceding letter, could not go by Osborne, who had already cleared for Philadelphia; it was therefore consigned to another ship, but disappeared. BF to Evans below, Feb. 10, 1773.

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