To Benjamin Franklin from Sargent, Chambers and Co., 25 January 1772: résumé
From Sargent, Chambers and Co.5
AL: American Philosophical Society
<Mincing Lane, January 25, 1772, in the third person. The firm has received instructions by Mr. Bache to withdraw Franklin’s account, which with interest amounts to £149 16s. 1d.; what does he wish to have done with the money?6>
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
5. For the mercantile firm, formerly Sargent Aufrere, see above, IX, 359 n; XIII, 295 n.
6. The withdrawal was part of a present of £200 to Richard Bache, who was about to return to America. Jour., p. 38; BF to Sarah Bache below, Jan. 29.