To Benjamin Franklin from Anthony Tissington, 15 January 1772
From Anthony Tissington1
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Alfreton 15th Jan 1772.
Dear Sir
I hope this will find you well in Craven Street, after a Summer of rambling, in which I have been so unfortunate as not to see you; in your first ramble thro’ Derbyshire I was in Scotland; in your last, at home, and sick of not seeing you.2
I am my Self very well, my Wife yet poorly; wishes to hear that Mrs. Stevenson holds stout; and yesterday sent a Turkey by Clarks Wagon to the Ax in Aldermanbury; to regale you.3 Our best joint Complements with those of this season attend your self and Mrs. Stevenson and I am Dear Sir Yours Sincerely and affectionately
Anth Tissington
Mr Franklin
Addressed: To / Benjamin Franklin Esqr / Craven Street Strand / London
1. See above, IX, 42 n, and subsequent volumes.
2. BF had passed through Derbyshire the previous spring on his tour of northern England, and again in November when returning from Scotland.
3. Tissington had sent the same gift a year before, by the same carrier to the same inn; see above, XVII, 309. BF put the turkey to good use, as indicated in his acknowledgment below, Jan. 28.