Benjamin Franklin Papers
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From Benjamin Franklin to Jonathan Williams, Sr., 13 January 1772

To Jonathan Williams, Sr.

ALS: American Philosophical Society

London, Jan. 13. 1772

Loving Cousin,

Since my last, which I think was by Jonathan,9 I have receiv’d yours of July 8, and 12. Aug. 5, Sept. 19. and Oct. 3.1 My not answering sooner was owing to my Absence in Ireland and Scotland on a Tour of between 3 and 4 Months, by which my Health was much benefited: And since my Return this is the first Ship to Boston that I have heard of.

In yours of July 8. was the first Bill of Wheatly on Thornton for £100 which is pass’d to your Credit. In that of July 12 was Lemmer’s Bill for 1000 Gilders or £90 which is likewise carried to your Credit. In that of Augt. 5. was Symmes’s Bill on Bilboa (Gardoqui & Sons) for £100 with which you are likewise credited. In that of Sept. 19. were two more Dutch Bills, one for 975 Gilders, the other for 779 Gilders making £160 16s. 8d. [credited?] but not yet paid. When I have received this last Sum your Account with me will stand thus:

Ball. due to me at Settlement £282 11s. 10½d. By Bill 100 0s. 0d.
Jonathan had more 26 5s. 0d. Do 100 0s. 0d.
Josiah 6 6s. 0d. Do 90 0s. 0d.
more 21 0s. 0d. 2 Do 160 16s. 8d.
more 10 10s. 0d.
more 21 0s. 0d.
Paid Mr. Warren2 per Order of Jona. 83 3s. d.
£450 16s. 8d. £450 16s. 8d.

Since which Josiah has had of me Forty Guineas more; and I shall continue to supply him with what he may have Occasion for during his Stay. He keeps his Health and Spirits, and I see him frequently.3

I am sorry to understand that the Bond is not paid.4 I wish you to take all possible Methods to recover it speedily. There has been Forbearance enough on my part, it being now more than 7 Years.

It gives me Pleasure to hear that Jonathan is enter’d into Business, and has promising Prospects. I never had any Doubt of his Success, Accidents of Fire, &c excepted. My Love to Cousin Grace and your Children. I am, Your affectionate Uncle

B Franklin

Jona Williams Esqr

Addressed: To / Jonathan Williams, Esqr / Mercht / Boston

Endorsed: Jany 13. 1772

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9BF’s letter of Aug. 25 (above, XVIII, 213–14), which seems to have been written after Jonathan, Jr., had left for America.

1All but the first are in the preceding volume, where the remittances mentioned below are described.

2He was the relative of Francis Hopkinson who helped to start him in the woolen business in 1768: above, XV, 87. But our identification of him at that time was mistaken: we confused two brothers. Hopkinson’s great-aunt on his mother’s side, Anne Johnson Warren, had two sons, the elder a clergyman and the other a wine merchant. Ernest H. Pearce, Hartlebury Castle, with Some Notes on Bishops Who Lived in It … (London, 1926), p. 259. The younger son, who must have been in the cloth as well as wine trade, was James Warren; he lived on Craven Street and was involved at this time in BF’s business affairs with Williams. Kent’s Directory … (London, 1770); above, X, 360. For young Jonathan’s debt to Warren see the following document.

3The younger Williams brother, who was blind, was still studying music in London. His good health and spirits did not last long: he sailed for home at the beginning of April, and died of tuberculosis in August.

4The bond was for Samuel Hall’s debt, discussed above, XVIII, 16, 219–21; see also BF to Jane Mecom above, Jan. 13.

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