From Benjamin Franklin to Agatha Drummond, 11 January 1772
To Agatha Drummond8
ALS: Scottish Record Office
London, Jan. 11. 1772
I have lately received, in exceeding good Order, the valuable Present you have honoured me with, of Penn’s Picture.9 Please to accept my thankful Acknowledgments for the very great Favour, and for the abundant Civilities and Kindnesses receiv’d by me and my Friend1 during our pleasant Residence under your hospitable Roof at Blair Drummond. My best Respects to Lord Kames and Mr. Drummond.2 With sincerest Esteem and Regard, I have the honour to be Madam, Your much obliged and obedient humble Servant
B Franklin
Mrs Drummond
8. Lord Kames’s wife. See above, XVIII, 251, where the subject of this note is explained.
9. BF had originally asked, twelve years before, for the loan of the picture in order to have it copied. Whether or not the Kameses now intended to convert the loan into a gift, the portrait was never returned. See above, IX, 9.
1. Henry Marchant, BF’s traveling companion, who has appeared frequently in the previous volume.
2. BF was probably referring to the Kameses’ eldest son, George Home-Drummond (1743–1819).