To Benjamin Franklin from the Pennsylvania Assembly Committee of Correspondence, 16 October 1771
From the Pennsylvania Assembly Committee of Correspondence
LS: Library of Congress
Philada: Octr: 16th. 1771.
By Order of the House we inclose their Resolves appointing us their Committee of Correspondence, and you their Agent to transact the Affairs of this Province in Great Britain for the ensuing Year.3
The House have Nothing to add to the Instructions sent by former Assemblies except that as they observe from your Letter to the Speaker of the 29th of July, that there is a Disposition in Government to promote, at the next Session of Parliament, such Measures as may tend to conciliate the unhappy Differences subsisting between the Mother Country and her Colonies, They desire that you will be attentive and Exert your utmost Endeavours in Opposition to whatever may affect the general Liberties of America and the rights of this Province, particularly to any Plan that may be proposed for an American Representation in Parliament.4 We are Your assured Friends
Jos. Galloway Speaker
Jos. Fox
Saml Rhoads
Abel James
Wm. Rodman
Isa. Pearson5
Addressed: To / Benjamin Franklin Esqr. / Agent for the Province of Pennsylvania / at / London / per Favr. / Capt. Sparks
3. The new Assembly had convened two days before, unanimously chosen Galloway as speaker, reappointed BF as agent, and elected a new Committee of Correspondence. 8 Pa. Arch., VIII, 6723–6.
4. The rumor of such a scheme was going the rounds in London, oddly enough, as this letter was being written. “The plan for a new American representation has been adopted by a noble Earl,” Lloyd’s Evening Post reported on Oct. 18–21, “and will be laid before an august Assembly at their first meeting.”
5. All the signers have been identified in previous volumes; Abel James, the newcomer on the committee, had been in contact with BF in London the year before.