To Benjamin Franklin from Matthew Maty, 6 May 1771: résumé
From Matthew Maty3
ALS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania
<British Museum, May 6, 1771. Sends an enclosure that he has received for Franklin from a newly created society of sciences in Rotterdam.4>
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
3. Secretary of the Royal Society and a sublibrarian of the British Museum; see above, XIII, 451 n.
4. The Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbergeerte (Batavian Society of Experimental Science). BF was made a corresponding member on April 28; the Society then inquired, in the letter Maty forwarded, whether he would accept the invitation. When it found that he would, it issued a formal announcement, dated June 11, which is among BF’s papers in the APS.