To Benjamin Franklin from [Susannah?] Jennings, 20 March 1771
From [Susannah?] Jennings8
AL: University of Pennsylvania Library
March 20.—71
Miss Jennings presents Her Compliments to Doctr. Franklin, she has used the permission He gave of shewing the list to Mr. Con way,9 and the enclosed Abstract of Doctr. Franklins Copy is a list of those kinds which Mr. Conway and self would be glad to have, at the same time Miss Jennings hopes if this Catalogue should appear unreasonably long, that Doctr. Franklin will not scruple to abridge it so far as to make it quite convenient to Him. She returns many Thanks for this and his former favours.
Addressed: To / Doctr. Franklin / in Craven street / in the Strand
8. The friend and companion of Lady Aylesbury, Henry Seymour Conway’s wife. For what little has been known about Miss Jennings see W. S. Lewis and A. Doyle Watson, eds., Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with Mary and Agnes Berry and Barbara Cecilia Seton (2 vols., New Haven, 1944), 1, 369, and the references there cited. New evidence suggests that she was the Susannah Jennings of Shiplake (1725–1802) who is mentioned in Emily J. Climenson, The History of Shiplake, Oxon... (London, 1894), pp. 347–8, 351; see the note on Henry Conway to Horace Walpole, June 5, 1779, in the forthcoming volume of their correspondence edited by W. S. Lewis, L. E. Troide, et al. We are grateful to Mr. Troide for this tentative identification.
9. A list of the seeds, presumably, that Humphry Marshall had sent. See Katherine French to BF above, March 1, and the document following this one.