Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Noble Wimberly Jones, 13 December 1770

From Noble Wimberly Jones

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Savannah 13 Decr 1770

Dear Sir

By Capt. Thomas Hall I did myself the pleasure of writing you and then inclosed two Bils of Exchange in part to recompence your kindness and discharge the ammount of the Mace and Gouns for which you have Sir the sincere and greatful thanks of the Assembly.2 I inclose the second of each of the Bills of same tenor and date which wish safe. I have now the pleasure to acquaint that an Ordinance Reappointing you Agent for another year lies for a Third reading to morrow morning,3 and that on all occasions the highest approbation of your conduct is apparant. We have no news that can recollect worth Notice beg leave therefore to conclude and subscribe myself Sir Your Very Sincere and Obedient Servant

N W Jones

To Benj. Franklin Esqr.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2See Jones to BF above, Oct. 9.

3The Commons House, after the earlier lapse of BF’s legal appointment, was attempting to be forehanded for the year 1771–72. The attempt failed: the ordinance had not passed when the legislature was dissolved in February, 1771; it was reintroduced in the next Assembly in April, but on the day that that too was dissolved. Candler, ed., Ga. Col. Recs., XV, 251, 260, 313; XVII, 623–4.

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