Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Life, 30 November 1770

From Thomas Life8

AL: American Philosophical Society

30th Novr. 1770.

Mr. Life presents his Complements to Dr. Franklin and acquaints him that the Georgia Acts are referred to Mr. Jackson,9 that Mr. Life has told Mr. Jacksons Clerk that Mr. Life wishes to have an Attendance on Mr. Jackson before he makes his Report, that Mr. Life ever since he received the Papers, has been very busy in some Conveyancy that must be executed by some officers in the Navy, who are going abroad, but hopes to be more at leisure in a Week or Ten Days, and will in the meantime wait on Mr. Jackson and get an Appointment for an Attendance on him and acquaint Dr. Franklin of it.

Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin at Mrs / Stevensons in / Craven Street

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8The London lawyer and agent for Connecticut; see above, X, 369 n.

9BF had consulted with Richard Jackson, counsel for the Board of Trade, about the Georgia act for governing slaves; see BF’s comment on the Assembly’s instructions to him above, May 10. Life was pursuing that matter and others raised in the instructions.

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