Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Richard Bache, 14 October 1770

From Richard Bache

ALS: Pennsylvania Historical Society

Philada. 14th: October 1770.

Dear Sir

I did myself the pleasure of writing you a few Lines the other day per packet. Mr. Thomas Hopkinson has strongly sollicited to be the Bearer of a few Lines, and tho’ I am conscious that any Introduction of him from me to you, will have but little Weight, yet I cannot help complying with his Request.2 I must at the same time trouble you with the inclosed Letter for my Mother,3 which you will be pleased to forward per first post. I am with due Respect Dear Sir Your Affectionate Son

Richd Bache

Addressed: To / Benjamin Franklin Esqr. / London. / per favor Mr. / Thos: Hopkinson.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2Hopkinson’s mother had already written BF about him, and he was also armed with a note of introduction—more outgoing than this one—from DF. See above, Sept. 6, Oct. 11.

3For Mrs. Mary Bache see above, XIV, 136 n.

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