Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Ezra Stiles, 28 September 1770

From Ezra Stiles

ALS: Yale University Library

Newport Sept. 28. 1770

Dear Sir

Yesterdy I received your Favor of 16 May ult with Relandi Analecta Rabbinica you was so obliging as to send me.5 For which please to accept my Thanks. One of the Tracts I wanted is contained in Relandi Hist. Hebraea.6 I am sorry to have given you so much Trouble. I could wish for an Answer from Mr. Dow——as I have a very great Thirst after Oriental Antiquities.7 With the greatest Respect, I am Dear Sir Your most obliged Friend and very humble Servant

Ezra Stiles

Dr Benja Franklin R.S.S. London

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5See above, XVI, 271.

6Adriaan Reland, Antiquitates Sacræ Veterum Hebræorum (Utrecht, 1708).

7Alexander Dow (d. 1779) was an officer in the army of the East India Company, and a dramatist and orientalist by avocation. While on leave in England in 1768 he had published two translations from the Persian, one of tales and the other of a history of Hindustan. DNB. Stiles had read a review of the history, and had written Dow in December, 1769, to inquire about early Hindu writings and religion. His questions were numerous and explicit; he clearly had no more hesitation about troubling a stranger than about troubling BF. See Abiel Holmes, The Life of Ezra Stiles … (Boston, 1798), pp. 134–6.

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