Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Timothy Folger, 14 April 1770

To Timothy Folger

ALS: American Philosophical Society

London, April 14. 1770

Dear Kinsman

Enclos’d with this, I send you a Map of the Island of St. John’s made from actual Survey, with a particular Map of one of the Shares, which the Owner desires to have settled, and will give you any Terms you please.1 In haste, I am, Yours affectionately

B Franklin

Capt. Folger

Endorsed: Dr. Benjn. Franklin’s letter to Timothy Folger

1Folger had been interested in acquiring land on St. John’s (now Prince Edward Island) since 1763, when he had addressed to Sir Jeffrey Amherst a petition drafted by BF for a grant to himself and other inhabitants of Nantucket. See above, X, 429–31; XI, 187. The map must have been that published in 1765 by Rocque, Jefferys & Faden of London, based on Capt. Samuel Holland’s survey. What is probably the same map, reduced, is printed in Acts Privy Coun., Col., V, facing p. 602.

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