Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Smith, 6 February 1770

From Joseph Smith4

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Burlington Febry 6. 1770

Respected Friend

I inclose thee printed Copies of the Acts pass’d last Session of Assembly5 among which is the Act for striking £100,000 in Bills of Credit. I wish the Kings Assent may be obtaind to it before the breaking up of Parliament. I suppose a Copy of this Bill has long since been sent to the Board of Trade by our Governor.6 This is sent for thy own information.

The Committee of Correspondence woud be glad to hear from thee in answer to their Letter. I am very Respectfully Thy Friend

Jos Smith

Doctr. Franklin

Endorsed: Mr Smith  Burlington  Feb 6. 1770

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4A Quaker member of the New Jersey Assembly Committee of Correspondence, who was acting as its secretary. See above, XVI, 256 n, 264.

5Anno regni, Georgii III, … decimo. At a session of General Assembly, begun at Burlington, October 10, 1769, and continued till the 6th of December following … (Woodbridge, N.J., 1769).

6WF sent a copy to Hillsborough six days later, and defended the act. 1 N.J. Arch., X, 150–2. The Board of Trade subsequently recommended that it be disallowed. See above, XVI, 254 n.

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