Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Anthony Todd, 18 October 1769

From Anthony Todd

ALS: American Philosophical Society

General Post Office Octr. 18, 1769.

Mr. Todd presents his Compliments to Dr. Franklin and begs the favour of his Company to Dinner on Friday next at four, to meet Mr. Foxcroft, Mr. Wharton and Major Trent. Mr. Todd will be very happy if this note should find the Dr. returned to Town.7

Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / at Mrs. Stevenson’s / Craven Street / Strand.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7Sir Grey Cooper had offered to take BF into the country with him on the 16th, and the offer had apparently been accepted. See Cooper to BF above, Oct. 13. Todd repeated his invitation, with the same guests, a few weeks later; see his note below, Nov. 3. Whether or not BF missed the earlier dinner, the purpose behind Todd’s hospitality was doubtless to work out plans for the Grand Ohio Company, in which the five were all involved.

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