From Benjamin Franklin to John Canton, 25 August 1769
To John Canton2
ALS: The Royal Society
Craven street, Aug. 25. 1769
Dear Sir
When I was at Paris about 10 Days since, I was told that a Comet was then visible with a Tail of considerable Length. If it has not been yet observed or heard of here, perhaps this little Notice may be agreable to you. I return’d but last Night, I hope you and yours are well; being very sincerely Your affectionate Friend and Servant
B Franklin
2. See above, IV, 390 n.
3. I.e., Taurus. The comet was also observed in late August in London and in Philadelphia: London Chron., Aug. 29–31, 1769; DF to BF below, Aug. 31, and Pa. Chron., Aug. 28–Sept. 4, 1769.
4. Pierre Charles LeMonnier (1715–99) was an eminent astronomer and member of the Académie des sciences. The discovery of the comet, however, is generally attributed to another French astronomer, Charles Messier (1730–1817): London Chron., Aug. 24–26, 1769; Joseph-Jérôme le Français de la Lande, “Mémoire sur la comète de 1769,” Histoire de l’Académie royale des sciences …, LXXI (for 1769; Paris, 1772), 49–58 (2d pagination).