To Benjamin Franklin from James Parker, 17 October 1768
From James Parker
ALS: American Philosophical Society
NYork, Octob 17. 1768
9 o Clock PM.
Honoured Sir
Tho’ I am hardly able to hold a Pen, from a Fit of the Gout in my Right Hand, yet I will try a few Words, to acknowledge the Receipt of one from you of Aug 9: giving an Account of my Son’s base Behaviour in attempting to get Money of Mr. Cummings6 &c. It grieves me to find his Vices still predominate; but am pleased at your letting me know it: for I hope he will not meet with any other Treatment than he may deserve. His Wife died the 7th of this Instant.7 He leaves me a Girl of 3 Years old: I hope God may spare my Life, till she can arrive above the Reach of Want of a little Education: tho’ I think I shall not be long on this Side the Grave my self. I cannot add more now, but may by next Packet if able: she is just come in. With humble Respects Adieu
James Parker
Addressed: For / Benjamin Franklin Esqr / Craven-Street / London
6. In all likelihood Thomas Cumming, the London merchant and Quaker, for whom see above, X, 345 n. Young Parker, if his father can be trusted, also tried to swindle BF; see James Parker to BF below, Oct. 24, 1768.
7. Sarah Ford (or Foord) Parker of Woodbridge, for whom see above, XI, 416 n.