From Benjamin Franklin to Joseph-Étienne Bertier, 31 January 1768
To Joseph-Étienne Bertier9
Draft: American Philosophical Society
London, Jan. 31. 1768.
Reverend Sir,
With cordial Thanks for your many Civilities to me when in Paris, I take this Opportunity of acquainting you, that your Certificate has been received by the Royal Society, and ordered to be hung up the usual Time which is Ten Meetings; but it was observed to be deficient in not mentioning your Christian Name, without which it is not reckon’d regular. I therefore pray you would send me that Name to be inserted in the Certificate; in order to remove the Objection.1 With great Esteem and Respect, I am Reverend Sir, Your most obliged and obedient humble Servant
Sir John Pringle2 desires to be remembred to you with Respect.
Pere Berthier.
9. Father Bertier (1702–83), professor of natural philosophy and chemistry at Le Mans, had been nominated to the Royal Society in 1767; see above, VIII, 358. He was elected on June 2, 1768.
1. On the certificate Bertier’s Christian names are inserted in BF’s hand.
2. For Sir John, BF’s friend and recent traveling companion, see above, X, 85 n.