Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 24 December 1767

To Deborah Franklin

ALS: American Philosophical Society

London, Dec. 24. 1767.

My dear Child,

I wrote you largely by this Packet,1 but omitted mentioning two Things I want you to send me per first Ships, for two of my Friends here. One is, Miller’s German Newspapers2 for two or three Months back; and to be continued. The other a Lump of that Sort of Stone we make Steps and Cheeks3 of Cellar doors of, at Philadelphia. Your Care in these Particulars will greatly oblige Your ever loving Husband

B F[ranklin]4

1No “large” December letter from BF to DF has been found.

2Henry (Henrich) Miller published Der Wöchenliche Philadelphische Staatsbote; for whom BF was procuring his paper is not known.

3Either of the side pieces or uprights of a door, gate, or window frame. Precisely what kind of stone Philadelphians used to produce them is not clear.

4Most of the signature is lost because of a tear in the paper. The surviving parts of some letters indicate that a postscript is also lost.

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