To Benjamin Franklin from the Earl of Morton, 23 November 1767
From the Earl of Morton
AL: American Philosophical Society
Brooke Street monday 23d Novemr. 1767
Lord Morton’s Compliments to Dr. Franklin, desires the favor of his Company to Dinner on saturday next the 28th Inst.; and that he would be so good as to come about 12 o’Clock, that there may be time for Auditing the Accounts of the Society before dinner.4
Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / Craven Street / Strand.
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
4. This audit may have been connected with the discovery, at about this time, of the embezzlement of about £1300 by the Royal Society’s clerk, Emanuel Mendes da Costa; above, XII, 220 n, and below, pp. 341–2.