Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Andrew Millar, 31 October 1767

From Andrew Millar8

AL: American Philosophical Society

Oct 31. 1767

Mr. Millars Compliments to Dr. Franklyn and begs to acquaint him he never had any Answer from Councillor Galloway in relation to Mr. James Rivington which Surprizes him greatly.

Addressed: To / Dr Franklyn

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8For Andrew Millar, bookseller and publisher and friend of William Strahan, see above, p. 146 n. Millar may have contacted Galloway to sue the bookseller and publisher James Rivington (above, XI, 240 n), who had gone bankrupt in London in 1760 and, according to William Strahan, owed other members of the trade £30,000. Rivington removed to America that same year and established book shops in Philadelphia and New York, though by 1767 he had confined his business to the latter place. J.A. Cochrane, Dr. Johnson’s Printer The Life of William Strahan (Cambridge, 1964), pp. 80–6; DAB.

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