To Benjamin Franklin from [Samuel] Potts, 3 August 1767
From [Samuel] Potts8
AL: American Philosophical Society
Genl. Post Office Augt. 3: 1767
Mr. Potts presents his Compliments to Mr. Frankland and desires the favour of his Company to dine on a Buck of the Postmaster Generals9 on Wednesday next at the Kings Arms in Cornhill at 3 in the Afternoon.
8. On the basis of handwriting comparison the editors have attributed this note to Samuel Potts, controller of the Post Office’s Inland Office, 1765–87, and not to his uncle, Henry Potts, at this time secretary of the Post Office; see above, XII, 427 n.
9. The postmasters general at this time were Wills Hill, the Earl of Hillsborough, and Sir Francis Dashwood, Lord le Despencer. In the preceding December BF had received a similar invitation from Potts, that one “to Dine on a Doe,” not a buck; above, XIII, 529.