From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin (I), 3 July 1767
To Deborah Franklin (I)
ALS: American Philosophical Society
London, July 3. 1767.
My dear Child,
With this you will receive a Box with 2 of the Petticoats quilted in the Loom; one for you, the other for Sally—also a Negligee and Petticoat for Sally, and some Snail.8 I shall write more fully per Pacquet next Week.9 I can now only add that I am, Your ever loving Husband
B Franklin
PS. I have been ill this Week past with the epidemical Cold that every body has had, or I should have written to all my Friends by this Conveyance; but I am getting well again very fast.
Addressed: To / Mrs Franklin / Philadelphia / per favour of / Capt. Chambers.1
8. In his letter of June 22 BF had promised that Mrs. Stevenson would try to purchase these articles. Snail: chenille.
9. If BF wrote DF by the July packet, the letter has not been found.
1. The snow Rachel, or Charming Rachel, Capt. J. Chambers, arrived in Philadelphia on Sept. 23, 1767. Pa. Gaz., Sept. 24, Oct. 1, 1767.