From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 21 June 1767
To Deborah Franklin
ALS: American Philosophical Society
London, June 21. 1767
My dear Child,
Capt. Falkener has just been here to bring me your Letters.1 I rejoice to hear that you and Sally are well. My dear Love to her. I will write to you and all my Friends per next Packet.2 Some Things go for you in a Case to Mr. Foxcroft from his Brother.
I send you 4 Handkerchiefs, as a little Present, which please to accept. I bought a Piece and keep half of it. I send also the little Shade that was copied from the great one.
I am very well, Thanks to God, whom I pray may keep and preserve you well and happy.
I send a Book on Mr. Harrison’s Watch.3 Present it from me to our ingenious Friend Mr. Duffeld,4 with my Love to them and their Children. I am, my dear Debby, Your affectionate Husband
B Franklin
Addressed: To / Mrs Franklin / Philadelphia
1. See above, pp. 134–40, 143–4, for the letters Capt. Nathaniel Falconer brought.
2. On reading DF’s letters more carefully, BF wrote her at greater length the next day; see the letter immediately below.
3. This was apparently The Principles of Mr. Harrison’s Timekeeper, with plates of the same; published by order of the Commissioners of Longitude (London, 1767), written by John Harrison himself with the collaboration of Nevil Maskelyne. For Harrison, the inventor of the 18th century’s most famous timekeeper, see above, VII, 208–10; X, 179–80 n, 228, 302.
4. Edward Duffield, clock and watchmaker of Lower Dublin, Philadelphia Co.; see above, VII, 211 n.